Build Your Listing Inventory
WELCOME : This is the Fox Financial Master Class Program the For Sale By Owners
In the book Atomic Habits, one of the main principles is that we do not rise to the level of our goals, we fall to the level of our systems.”
“Atomic habits are the building blocks of remarkable results.” “Habits are like the atoms of our lives, each one is a fundamental unit that contributes to your overall improvement.” “Outcomes are about what you get.
As you enter this program, are you coming into it with preconceived outcomes? Are these the characteristics of how you make decisions? Patience, endurance, perseverance, fortitude are hallmarks of those that succeed.
Impatience says to each of us, “it is not happening fast enough” and therefore it is not working. I should try something else.
No type of sales, or endeavor in life is about any single accomplishment. It is about the cycle of endless refinement and continuous improvement. Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.
Perhaps 1 out of every 10 sellers are “ready” to list their properties with you. The majority require follow up. And more follow up. And then more follow up. Much like a garden needs sunlight, soil, and rain, sellers need compassion, trust, and a relationship. Impatience will say to you, “it is not worth it.”
Were any of us born with the natural ability at birth to overcome objections? Did it come naturally to us to know how to build rapport with those that did not agree with us? It takes time to get better. Impatience says,”it’s not working, you will never be good at it, the system is to blame, you will never win.”
Old habits die hard, and if you’re not careful, the person you used to be can overtake the person you’re trying to become.
When a person is accepted into this team, it is with the knowledge that no one is “born a natural salesperson.” Each person that comes into this program says “I have room to improve. I am coachable. I can be counted on to do all practice exercises. I can be counted on to make contributions at sales meetings, I am part of the process for all to get better.” Together we will celebrate victories, together we will grow to be better communicators.
When it comes to production, each salesperson is expected to produce 3 listings per month in their territory. Over time, for those with patience and perseverance, those 36 listings in 12 months will produce 24 sales. Much like the garden, the harvest comes after the toiling, the care of the garden, for the seed to convert to a product to harvest, and this will take months. Your garden, most of the harvest, will be in the 2nd six months, not the first.