Welcome Aboard
If you are non-licensed this site will instruct you how to FIND a property in the Devastated Doors program or in the For Sale By Owner program.
If you are a licensed Realtor this site will help you through the process of working with Agent For Sale By Owners to either serve them by listing their property or for Fox or another investor to acquire the property. Plus it will equip you in the Agent Devastated Doors program.
Training for Open Houses and Expireds are here.
Training for Open Houses and Expireds are here.
Other Programs
We have quite a few other programs we can equip you with such as working with Probate Attorneys, Divorce Lawyers, Retirement Home Directors, and many more. Each of those are a bit more advanced systems and will be introduced to Finders as they make progress with the entry-level programs.
Next Step
At this point if you are at this site you have signed the Acknowledgement of Compensation so that you know how you will be compensated on any transaction. So go ahead and click on the program you would like to begin with.